Episode 74: The Ultimate Goal of Learning (On Learning, Part 6)
What do we really want to see in our schools? What's the goal? Why do our schools exist? What do we want our students to learn? Far too often, we go through the motions of "doing school," yet we rarely consider how our philosophy and theology affect our approach to learning - both in the overall curricular program and in the day-to-day.
Host Noah Brink concludes our six part series on learning by returning to essential questions about the purpose of our Christian schools. Christian schools ought rethink what it means to be an educated person and what's most important for our students to learn. Do our "Portraits of a Graduate" reveal a truly Christian commitment, or are they essentially the same as what we'd find in secular school? What do we mean by success? These struggles aren't aren't limited to the Christian Education sphere alone, but they reveal our general approach to "the Christian life." However, our task is to cling to what the Bible calls us toward, believing the gospel and accepting the unique realities of a gospel-immersed worldview.
Episode Overlaps:
Episode 66: On Learning, Part 1
Episode 68: Aligning Learning Philosophy with Practice (On Learning, Part 2)
Episode 69: A Christian Framework for Learning (On Learning, Part 3)
Episode 71: Learning and the Image of God (On Learning, Part 4)