At RenewEd we’re passionate about Christian Education and believe that Christian schools are one of the greatest tools available to further Christ’s Kingdom and change the world. To do that, we seek to do everything we can to help Christian schools be so saturated by the power of gospel, that our students and the worlds they’ll go into are enraptured by Jesus.

Our Vision

Renew Education seeks to further Christ’s Kingdom and renew communities by promoting gospel-centered, transformative, and accessible educational opportunities.

Our Mission

Renew Education partners with Christian schools and their broader communities and associations through worldview education, gospel-integration, and reigniting Church and school relationships.


Truly Christian education hinges entirely upon an unapologetic commitment to the gospel of Jesus. And, because the gospel reorders all things under the preeminence of Jesus, gospel-centered schools should look distinct throughout their entire systems. As a result, RenewEd seeks to empower and equip schools to fully embrace the uniquenesses and life-giving fullness of the gospel within our school communities.


True education is supposed to be life-changing, and it should engage the entire person: the mind, the will, the imagination and longings, the spirit and the body. RenewEd seeks to help Christian schools provide educational models that leave students forever changed – both because of the vibrancy and efficacy of the methods used, but also because of the power of the gospel that is thoughtfully infused throughout the schools philosophy and practice.


Financial capacity, learning styles, and geographical proximity should never prohibit students’ access to quality, Christian education. As a result RenewEd seeks to equip schools to find solutions that provide greater access to Christian schooling, which includes partnering with communities seeking to plant new schools.

Why the arrow in our logo?