
The RenewView blog is intended to provide brief reflections on ideas, articles, books, or events through the lens of a Christian Worldview. Each post highlights one of the main framework categories of the RenewEd Grid. Posts are published on Wednesdays.

Noah Brink Noah Brink

Wonder and Grief in the House of Zion

What do we do when we face great loss? We're not going to avoid it. Maybe the biblical images of Zion begin to give us the language we need to make it through the world we live in.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Faculty Compensation Tier System

A Tier System could nurture a compensation and growth culture that's characterized by transparency and trust, while encouraging excellence and vibrancy. More importantly, it could tie this culture of growth to the core values you want to see more actively embraced by your faculty community.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Training for Sight

Genesis 50:19-21

One of the final conversations between Joseph and his brothers viewed in light of the hymn “This is my Father’s World” reminds us the importance of having a way of seeing all things in light of God’s sovereignty and steadfast love. A way of seeing that doesn’t happen overnight, but is a reflection of a strong foundation and training.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Students and Children as Arrows

Psalm 127

Blessed is the man who has a quiver full of arrows … a wonderful reminder of why God has entrusted the children into our care. Not merely so we can glory in what He has given us, but so we can send them out.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Transformed Through Failure

1 John 1:8

It could very well be that at the heart of Christian teaching isn’t the giftedness with which a teacher draws analogies between the lesson and something core to Christian beliefs, but rather in how that teacher deals with failures before his or her students.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

When Christian Schools Become Older Brother Factories

It’s far easier to teach a classroom or school of Older Brothers (from the parable of the Prodigal Son), but the danger of Older Brothers is that they end up not seeing the gospel for what it is – good news – unless they encounter Jesus. Are our schools pushing toward being Older Brothers or being transformed by Jesus?

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Image-bearing Authoring

Mark 12:14-17

Jesus’s statement to “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” isn’t merely a masterful evasion tactic. It also tells us something about ourselves and gives us a foundation for finding real value in this life and the next.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Free from Glory; Free for Glory

Deuteronomy 8:17

It’s natural to make our successes about ourselves, but we need to rethink the goal of our educational endeavors. Secular education wants students to know and experience things so they can use what they’ve learned. Christian education wants students to know about God through what they learn, so that they can be better used by God.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Tangible Habits and Rhythms

Our habits and rhythms are most influential in shaping our desires, so this post is a very tangible description of steps (with spreadsheet) to create greater discipline - and joy in that discipline.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

School Libraries as Curriculum

Practical philosophy statement ideals, goals, and guidelines for including books in our library collections - all because it’s imperative that we recognize that our libraries are just as much a part of the curriculum (though informal) as the more formal curricular content taught in our classrooms.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

In Wonder of π

Great certainty in π . But we still can’t fully know it, despite how hard we’ve tried. Wonder, mystery, and inability … that’s much to celebrate.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Of Caves, Rationalism, and Redemption

How G.K. Chesterton’s view of humanity (as found from the earliest record) renews a proper recognition of our dignity. His book, The Everlasting Man provides powerful reminders of the wonder and value we can find in all people because of the Man who was born in cave to restore us to how we were always meant to be.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Education as Friendship

While the formal content learned in college (or any educational setting for that matter) is certainly of great importance, it’s more significant to consider how a person is shaped within that educational setting. And, that is what’s most important when we consider the mission and vision of a school.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

New Year’s Longings

We were made for so much more, and the longings and hopes of the New Year remind us of this truth.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Building a Christian Worldview Faculty Development Program

Christian School leaders often talk about their need to do a better job of developing teachers’ ability to articulate and apply a Christian worldview. For those schools that don’t even know where to start or for those who have done some work in this area but aren’t thrilled by what they have in place, this article attempts to provide resources and “how to” to get the beginnings of a program in place.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

God on His Terms

When Megan Rapinoe suggested that her recent injury provides reason not to believe in God, we can find great hope in recognizing what it means to have faith in God on His terms.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

Refusing to be Distracted by Good Things

John 5:39-40

Jesus criticized the Jews of His day for being more interested in the Scriptures than in the One whom we meet in them. Similarly, where have we become more interested in the good things we’re teaching and doing than in the God who we can learn more about in them?

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

But to Offer One Thing

Mark 10:21

In the midst of talking about the good things that fill our days, may we be people that focus on the one thing that Jesus calls the Rich Young Ruler toward.

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Noah Brink Noah Brink

No Little People

Psalm 8: 1-9

Like the Psalmist, our classrooms should be places where we don’t merely recognize God’s handiwork. But, we take every opportunity to point our students’ attention to the great value that God has for them. Great wonder. Profound value for each one of us.

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