Professional Development at CCS
We’re continuing our year-long series with the faculty at Covenant Christian School, St. Louis. Each session in this series is designed to build upon our theological framework by applying it to specific distinctives and values within the CCS program. November’s session will be focussing on CCS’s multi-age relational emphasis.
Professional Development at CCS
We’re continuing our year-long series with the faculty at Covenant Christian School, St. Louis. Each session in this series is designed to build upon our theological framework by applying it to specific distinctives and values within the CCS program. November’s session will be focussing on CCS’s outdoor/experiential emphasis.
Herzog Foundation Spiritual Formation Training
Noah will be joining the Herzog Foundation as a coach and teacher for its Spiritual Formation Training workshop, which is part of its leadership Series
Faculty Development at OCS
We’re going to be returning to Oklahoma Christian School to spend the day with the elementary school faculty to build on our emphasis on the centrality of the gospel for Spiritual Formation. As always, our primary goal is to help OCS develop a framework of thinking Christianly about the task of education - a framework that can be applied to every area of the school. Our time together will be spent on working with individual grade levels to implement these frameworks into grade-specific contexts.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Professional Development at CCS
We’re continuing our year-long series with the faculty at Covenant Christian School, St. Louis. Each session in this series is designed to build upon our theological framework by applying it to specific distinctives and values within the CCS program. November’s session will be focussing on CCS’s outdoor/experiential emphasis.
Parents Talking Tech
We’re joining parents at Covenant Christian School for a time of discussion around some of the challenges in raising today’s kids. Using the insights of Jonathan Haidt’s bestselling book, The Anxious Generation, we’ll talk about what we can to do help families navigate anxiety while nurturing resiliency and faith formation.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Herzog Foundation Athletics and Student Activities Workshop
Noah will be joining the Herzog Foundation as a coach and teacher for this two day workshop, focusing on the importance of Athletics, Fine Arts, and Student Activities in the life of the school.
Professional Development at VCA
We will be spending the afternoon with the faculty and staff at VCA in St. Louis to reflect on numerous ways a theology of the image of God effects a biblical approach to classroom management and procedures.
Bible Teacher Webinar
Join RenewEd for a special online interview and conversation with Mark Brink, beloved Bible teacher at Evangelical Christian School in Memphis, TN for forty-nine years.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Herzog Foundation Spiritual Formation Training
Noah will be joining the Herzog Foundation as a coach and teacher for its Spiritual Formation Training workshop, which is part of its leadership Series
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Professional Development at CCS
We will be continuing our 2024-2025 theme of building on our Christian Worldview Foundation by developing the fluency to apply fundamental categories of a biblical worldview to Covenant’s core values or unique distinctives. For the month of September, we will be reflecting on the school’s commitment to the “Specials” through the lens of the RenewEd worldview grid.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Prayer Group for St. Louis Christian Education
Join with others in St. Louis to pray for our area's Christian schools.
Faculty Development at CCS
Having already worked to develop a foundation and framework for thinking Christianly about education, the faculty and staff at Covenant Christian school are going to deeper levels by holding critical areas of the school culture and practice under the lens of this framework. Over the corse of the 2024-2025 school year, RenewEd will partner with CCS on seven of these core topics. Our first is going to be on Stewardship.
Faculty Development at OCS
We’re going to be at Oklahoma Christian School to spend the day with the elementary school faculty to renew an emphasis on the centrality of the gospel for Spiritual Formation. As always, our primary goal is to help OCS develop a framework of thinking Christianly about the task of education - a framework that can be applied to every area of the school.
Morning sessions
1. Devotion from Psalm 127 and the eternal "Why" of Christian education
- including an emphasis on faith / habit formation
2. A crash course in what Christian education is and isn't
- defining Christian worldview, biblical integration, and primary purposes
3. The Ultimacy of God and Dependency on Truth
Afternoon Sessions
4. Classrooms committed to seeing our students flourish as God's image bearers
5. Grace Prompted Obedience
- how this becomes the structure, habit, feel, and commitment of the school
6. Creation, Fall, and Redemption as themes we continually revisit
Faculty Development at CCA
As Cornerstone Christian Academy is opening its doors to its first, normal year of operation, RenewEd is partnering with the school faculty and staff to establish a strong gospel-foundation and framework for how we think about Christian education and then develop the tools for guiding practice.
This start-of-the-year session is open to all Christian school teachers in the St. Louis area.
Herzog Foundation Spiritual Formation Workshop
Noah will join with other Christian school leaders as one of the coaches for the 3rd of the Herzog Foundation’s workshops focusing on Spiritual Formation. All of Herzog’s workshops are free to attend, and they are located all around the country.
Christian Worldview Cohort Registrations Open
During the month of May, teachers and staff will be signing up to join peers from around the country to grow their Christian worldview foundation and fluency within their specific areas of responsibility.
Gospel Parenting at CCA
RenewEd is partnering with Cornerstone Christian Academy to host “Parenting so They can Flourish.” Our time together will focus on steps that today’s parents can take to navigate anxiety, nurture resilience, and set meaningful milestones in our children’s lives so they can flourish and thrive.
Herzog Foundation Spiritual Formation Workshop
Noah will join with other Christian school leaders as one of the coaches for the 2nd of the Herzog Foundation’s workshops focusing on Spiritual Formation. All of Herzog’s workshops are free to attend, and they are located all around the country.
Spiritual Formation Series
Noah will be joining several other Herzog coaches and presenting at Herzog’s first iteration of their Spiritual Formation workshop in Nashville. To find out more or register, Click Here.
ACSI Spiritual Formation Webinar
Noah Brink will be sharing as one of the Panelists for ACSI’s Spiritual Formation Webinar Series. Part 2 of the series will focus on Spiritual Formation as an Intentional Community Endeavor. Learn more or register for the event at ACSI’s page for the event.
Covenant Christian School PD Session
Noah will be working with the faculty and staff from Covenant Christian School to build upon earlier sessions. As the faculty has worked to developed a Worldview Foundation, Noah is going to help the faculty increase their Worldview Fluency by focussing on individual distinctives of CCS and unpack them through a theological lens, shaped by our Worldview Grid.
Christian Parenting with Purpose: Navigating Anxieties, Fostering Resilience, and Setting Meaningful Milestones for Your Children.
Our time will focus on a practical approach to easing child and parental anxieties, fostering resilience in children, and establishing meaningful milestones aligned with our Christian faith. The workshop, led by Noah Brink, provides a space for genuine conversations on the challenges and joys of raising children. Hosted by Covenant Christian School and Covenant Presbyterian Church.
To accommodate for parents’ schedules, the Tuesday and Thursday sessions are identical in their content and presentation.