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Articles and More

The Center for Redemptive Education has helpful resources for Home and School Educators.

Fabulous Article on Parenting and the Role of the church, by Cameron Shaffer: “How do our Kids Stay Christian?”

This article in the Guardian about a recent study about books’ effectiveness above screens for promoting learning.

The Heritage Foundation has a wonderful Resource Page – geared primarily toward Classical education, but still helpful for Christian educators in any context.

Benjamin Vrbicek’s artilce on athletics at the Gospel Coalition does a wonderful job of articulating how sports are powerful tools for faith formation.

We could not be more excited about the soft start of Cornerstone Christian Academy (full launch in August, 2024) in the St. Louis area. RenewEd has been blessed to walk alongside Cornerstone before the opened its doors, and we continue to do everything we can to help Cornerstone establish both a philosophy and practices that are unapologetically aligned with the gospel.

Trusted Organizations

The Stanley Herzog Foundation offers some of the best training opportunities we have seen. And, they’re free! And the entire organization cares for the furthering of Christian education with profound joy.

If we believe the gospel, we shouldn’t be scared to come to grips with our failures. But that same gospel provides great hope. If you’re willing to explore where you students are spiritually, the 3DWS survey is a start.

The Center for Parent and Youth Understanding has a treasure trove of useful articles and other information for understanding trends among today’s youth. Updated nearly every day with helpful articles.

The Center for the Advancement of Christian Education (CACE)

The Baylor Center for School Leadership is one of the best places for training teachers and school leaders to promote learning and healthy school cultures, and those leading the Center are some of the best you’ll ever meet.

Simon Jeynes and his team at CSM provide incredible resources, especially in the areas of organizational health and operations. CSM is also very intentional to providing these resources for schools that don’t have enormous budgets to pay for pricey consulting fees.