Growing our Communities

One of our deepest convictions at RenewEd is that Christian schools are at the tip of the spear for engaging culture. Our capacity to effectively further Christ’s Kingdom, though, requires a renewal of healthy relationships between churches and local Christian schools and that our Christian schools become even more committed to working together to image the Body of Christ to the onlooking community.

Restoring Church Relationships

The future of Christian education in America will require the renewal of healthy relationships between Christian schools and local churches, which are the primary model that Jesus established to change culture. RenewEd seeks to be a catalyst for re-establishing vibrant relationship between churches and schools, by:

~ encouraging churches to provide greater support for our schools to promote long-term sustainability – both for the schools and the churches.

~ working with school leaders to help local churches recognize the generational impact that Christian schools have on their congregations and the depth of the influences the churches can have on their neighborhoods.

~ envisioning models where churches participate in efforts to keep Christian education more accessible for their congregations.

~ connecting with church and missions networks to direct their attention toward the importance of elementary and secondary education.

Working Together

We dream of seeing every community developing robust Christian school networks and associations. RenewEd is specifically focussing on empowering healthy growth between Christian schools by:

~ Helping schools establish greater distinctiveness to maximize who they are and what the schools can bring to the network

~ Helping schools learn to celebrate each other’s distinctiveness so the network can function as diverse, impactful models of the local Body of Christ working in harmony.

~ Sharing and developing resources so the network is stronger than the sum total of all schools in the network.

~ collectively envisioning new opportunities for school locations and types to provide greater accessibility within the community.