Episode 32: A Biblical Anthropology for Education

Our children need the Boundaries, Motivation, and Celebration that setting meaningful milestones before them can create. It helps them to see where they've come (and learn from it and recognize what they've achieved), be grounded where they are presently, and nurture a healthy dose of what to work and look toward. These milestones are one of the most tangible ways to create a structure that fights our culture's tendency toward entitlement and anxiety.

Episodes Overlaps:

Worldview Grid Question 5 - Episode 28: A Creational View of Education

Episode 25: A Theology of Diversity

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Noah Brink

Noah has been involved in Christian education for over forty years, both as an alumnus K-12 and college and for over twenty years in various teacher, coach, and administrative roles. Noah’s greatest passion is in training faculty to develop their ability to see all things in light of Jesus and His gospel and He just published his first book on Christian education, Jesus Above School. Noah and his wife, Katie, have three children who are currently flourishing in a beloved Christian school.


Episode 33: Christian Worldview 101


Episode 31: Establishing Meaningful Milestones