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Episode 32: A Biblical Anthropology for Education
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 32: A Biblical Anthropology for Education

Students matter. Of course, they do. But, we ought to have an unwavering answer why that must be so - not only for today, but in all contexts.

The Third of RenewEd's Worldview Categories asks how our communities celebrate the fullness of the nature of God in people. A well-developed philosophy of Christian education requires a clear, biblical understanding of what it means to be human. And, that foundation provides the context for how we think about every single aspect of education.

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Episode 19: The Worldview Grid - Humanity
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 19: The Worldview Grid - Humanity

All schools function with a stated or unstated view of personhood ... of what gives a person value. Christian school uniquely talk about the image of God, providing dignity to all people, and this commitment ought to be core to the life of the school. But, many schools struggle to have precise definitions for what they mean by the image of God, or more broadly a mission and practice driven by philosophy and theology of humanity. That's why this is one of the primary categories of RenewEd's worldview grid.

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