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Episode 43: The Olympics, Sports, and the Christian School
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 43: The Olympics, Sports, and the Christian School

The Olympics can teach us a great deal about ways to further engage our students into the lives of our schools. Students need to feel a sense of belonging, and sports natures this longing and connection in a unique way. The Olympics also has a profound ability to model what it looks like to bring people together. How can we use similar things in the lives of our schools?

Host Noah Brink discusses the great opportunity that the Olympics provides to nurture a sense of wonder, communal pride, and respect for individual gifting.

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Episode 42: A Christian Worldview Reflection on the Attempt on Donald Trump's Life.
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 42: A Christian Worldview Reflection on the Attempt on Donald Trump's Life.

Christian School teachers have to be prepared to know how to respond to the most talked-about issues of the day. Events like that of July 13 are the sort that prompt students to come to class with countless opinions, looking for both validation and answers. While there's no way to properly prepare for shocking events like these, it's critical that we have the biblical frameworks in place to provide a foundation for our response.

Host Noah Brink discusses the ways we should talk about events like the shock of an attempt on a former president's life. This episode seeks to provide an example of what it should look like to provide answers, to cling to what we know to be true, and to model for our students that we are willing to allow them to enter into hard spaces with their questions.

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Episode 41: Thriving on Mondays
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 41: Thriving on Mondays

When we put prioritize honoring God and recognizing our students' dignity as image bearers of God, we have to rethink our approach to what we require or expect of our students on Mondays.

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Episode 40: Faculty Pay Structure
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 40: Faculty Pay Structure

Every aspect of the Christian school ought be held under the lens of a biblical worldview, including the structures we put in place for compensating faculty. Of course, we need to figure out ways to provide even higher compensation, but the model we use to calculate that rate of pay is of the utmost importance. And, it should align with our philosophy and beliefs.

Host Noah Brink describes some key components and examples of the ways schools can determine the best way to pay their faculty with the objectives of properly honoring them as image bearers, building community, and nurturing a culture of growth.

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Episode 39: Faculty Worldview Development Program
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 39: Faculty Worldview Development Program

Taking a Gap Year between High School and College ought not be Plan B. In fact, it might be one of the greatest ways for a student to accelerate the process of maturity into adulthood. Host Noah Brink discusses the many reasons why students should take a hard look at the benefits of gap year programs, think deeply about using the unique gifts God has given them, and evaluating the best ways to further Christ's Kingdom in the process.

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Episode 38: A Gospel Approach to Behavior
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 38: A Gospel Approach to Behavior

The fourth category of the RenewEd Worldview Grid asks, "Are we cultivating a culture of Grace-prompted obedience?" This question guides us toward having an approach to behavior that's consistent with a gospel-centered worldview. Host Noah Brink unpacks the question and provides reasons why the Christian approach to behavior is so radically different than what's seen elsewhere in culture.

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Episode 37: The Wisdom of Gap Years
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 37: The Wisdom of Gap Years

Taking a Gap Year between High School and College ought not be Plan B. In fact, it might be one of the greatest ways for a student to accelerate the process of maturity into adulthood. Host Noah Brink discusses the many reasons why students should take a hard look at the benefits of gap year programs, think deeply about using the unique gifts God has given them, and evaluating the best ways to further Christ's Kingdom in the process.

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Episode 36: A Redemptive View of Eduction
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 36: A Redemptive View of Eduction

The seventh category of RenewEd's Worldview Grid asks "Are we seeking and celebrating a restoration of all things according to Jesus's Plan?" and then applies this question to our approach and practice in Christian Schooling. Host Noah Brink unpacks the many ways Christian educators should think about the redemptive aspects of our task as we use the worldview framework ( RenewEd Worldview Grid ) to help make sense of the world in light of the Gospel of Jesus.

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Episode 35: Teaching “The Grapes of Wrath” Through the Worldview Grid
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 35: Teaching “The Grapes of Wrath” Through the Worldview Grid

While much of RenewEd's work to help teachers be better equipped to teach from an unapologetically gospel-centered, Christian perspective, we know that it's important to provide examples of what it looks like to apply parts of RenewEd's worldview framework to specific lessons.

Host Noah Brink describes how a Christian teacher could use the categories of the RenewEd worldview Grid in a literature lesson that's handling a work that isn't Christian, but still helps us see the realities of the gospel in unique ways.

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Episode 33: Christian Worldview 101
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 33: Christian Worldview 101

"Christian Worldview" or "Biblical Worldview" might be one of the most overused and (as a result) misunderstood phrases spoken within Christian education circles. But because the notion behind the phrase is central to the life of the Christian school, we should continue to use it, but with greater precision and clarity. That's the goal - to bring about greater clarity and move our schools (and their surrounding communities) toward greater consistency in our use of this vital concept.

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Episode 32: A Biblical Anthropology for Education
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 32: A Biblical Anthropology for Education

Students matter. Of course, they do. But, we ought to have an unwavering answer why that must be so - not only for today, but in all contexts.

The Third of RenewEd's Worldview Categories asks how our communities celebrate the fullness of the nature of God in people. A well-developed philosophy of Christian education requires a clear, biblical understanding of what it means to be human. And, that foundation provides the context for how we think about every single aspect of education.

#christianworldview #christianschool #christianity

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