Episode 71: Learning and the Image of God (On Learning, Part 4)

We're continuing our series on learning and the Christian school by considering how the image of God affects our approach to learning. One of the clearest statements the Bible gives about the nature of humanity is that people are created in the image of God. Consequently, the notion that all people are created in God's image must be a core belief of the Christian school, and this belief has to be foundational to the school's philosophy and practice.

Host Noah Brink discusses how seeing students as Rational, Relational, Moral, Spiritual, and Creative beings (a simple starting point for what it means to be image bearers) should radically affect our approach to learning, affecting not only our philosophy and mission, but the day-to-day learning activities of the school.

Episode Overlaps:

Episode 66: On Learning, Part 1

Episode 68: Aligning Learning Philosophy with Practice (On Learning, Part 2)

Episode 69: A Christian Framework for Learning (On Learning, Part 3)

Episode 32: A Christian Anthropology for Education

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Noah Brink

Noah has been involved in Christian education for over forty years, both as an alumnus K-12 and college and for over twenty years in various teacher, coach, and administrative roles. Noah’s greatest passion is in training faculty to develop their ability to see all things in light of Jesus and His gospel and He just published his first book on Christian education, Jesus Above School. Noah and his wife, Katie, have three children who are currently flourishing in a beloved Christian school.


Episode 72: Learning by Design (On Learning, Part 5)


Episode 70: A Distinctive and Mission-Aligned Curricula