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Episode 54: Raising Kids Toward Belonging
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 54: Raising Kids Toward Belonging

Kids need to belong.

From the earliest age, all the way through their teenage years, they need to know that they're a part of something. It grounds them; it rescues them from the anxiousness that results from trying to find meaning on their own terms. Quite possibly, "Belonging" could be what kids need more than anything else if they're going to grow to become healthy people.

Host Noah Brink offers three words (Boundaries, Bravery, and Belovedness) to help frame how we can aim our kids toward belonging, regardless of our roles with kids – whether it's as parents, teachers, or coaches.

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Episode 53: A Gospel Framework for Teaching History
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 53: A Gospel Framework for Teaching History

As with every academic discipline, teachers need a framework for teaching history that requires more than merely finding a verse or biblical analogy. Rather, teaching History from a Christian perspective requires an understanding of the key categories of a biblical worldview and applying them to the discipline. Host Noah Brink reintroduces the categories and questions of the RenewEd Worldview Grid to provide both a perspective toward teaching History Christianly and to nurture the sort of posture and longings we want to see in our students - because of their History studies.

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Episode 51: Teaching Christianly in a Secular Context
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 51: Teaching Christianly in a Secular Context

While Christian education and secular education are quite different (and should be even more different than many of the models we have), a Christian who teachers in a secular context can still teach "Christianly" within that context ... because teaching Christianly is far more than merely adding a verse or Christian lingo to an otherwise secular content. Host Noah Brink unpacks the ways that RenewEd's Worldview Grid can provide a framework for what it would look like to teach Christianly in a not Christian context. But, not only is this conversation intended for secular school teachers, it should also be helpful to any Christian teacher - to understand and apply the big categories that are critical to a truly Christian education.

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Episode 49: Why we Need the Fine Arts
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 49: Why we Need the Fine Arts

It shouldn't even be a question in Christian schools, but we live in a world where the Fine Arts are the first to fall victim to budget cuts and the last to receive the funding and institutional support they need to flourish. This reveals a common flaw in the way we think about school in general. Host Noah Brink uses the oft-overlooked and underfunded Fine Arts programs in our schools to both reemphasize the ultimate purpose for Christian education and revise a theological foundation for what it means to be human.

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Episode 23: House Systems
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 23: House Systems

If true education is fundamentally about connections, then it's vital that we consider ways to make sure that every student and faculty member are connected. And, it may be that House Systems offer one of the more practical ways to create a structure for that connection. Host Noah Brink discusses some of the "what" and "how to" of House System as well as some of the philosophical connections that give schools reason to evaluate their own system or consider creating one if they don't have them. #christianity #christianeducation #christianworldview #gospel #christianschool #housesystem #studentlife

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Episode 22: Sports and the Christian School
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 22: Sports and the Christian School

While some may prioritize sports above everything else in the life of the school and others view it as a necessary evil, it's important to have a balanced view of sports which is saturated in a gospel-driven view of all things. Host Noah Brink shares about how sports can help us develop rhythms and habits where we both learn to see God as higher than us and develop tools to live in a broken world.

#schoolsports #christianity #christianeducation #christianworldview #gospel #christiansports #athletics

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Episode 21: Harry Potter Through the Lens of Christian Education
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 21: Harry Potter Through the Lens of Christian Education

There are countless videos made and articles written about the Harry Potter series, and many of them are even are from a Christian perspective. But, it’s interesting to focus on a handful of lessons that can be learned by looking at the series from a perspective of Christian Education.

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Episode 20: Student Life
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 20: Student Life

Student Life is no less important than the more formally "curricular" parts of the school are in the shaping of students. Those things which fall under the Student Life umbrella of the school are just as important to connect to the philosophy, theology, and mission of the school as the more traditional aspects of the school are.

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