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Episode 76: Breaks, Vacation, Rest, and Recreation (Copy)
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 76: Breaks, Vacation, Rest, and Recreation (Copy)

Host Noah Brink talks about the theology of rest and recreation to both provide greater context for understanding the need for these breaks, but also to encourage reflection in the normal day-to-day of our school weeks, days, and individual class periods or lessons. We were made for rest; spiritual formation requires pause, reflection, and solitude. So, how can we do a better job of weaving a theology of recreation and rest into the fabrics of our schools? that's the question and goal of this Episode.

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Episode 76: Breaks, Vacation, Rest, and Recreation
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 76: Breaks, Vacation, Rest, and Recreation

Host Noah Brink talks about the theology of rest and recreation to both provide greater context for understanding the need for these breaks, but also to encourage reflection in the normal day-to-day of our school weeks, days, and individual class periods or lessons. We were made for rest; spiritual formation requires pause, reflection, and solitude. So, how can we do a better job of weaving a theology of recreation and rest into the fabrics of our schools? that's the question and goal of this Episode.

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Episode 75: How to Talk about Santa Claus
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 75: How to Talk about Santa Claus

What should we do when students ask their teachers whether or not Santa is real? It's especially complicated at the Elementary school grades, where parents have different perspectives, and teachers want to both respect those differences and capitalize on the opportunity for transformative learning. Actually, the conversation surrounding Santa Claus goes far beyond whether or not Santa Claus really exists. Host Noah Brink builds a case for why Christian teachers shouldn't shy away from Santa Claus conversations; they help us to embrace the power of stories and our need for hope, imagination, mystery and wonder. In the conversation, Noah provides some of the background legends and historical contexts that gave us our current Santa Claus, leaning heavily on G.K. Chesterton and Jesus Christ's insistence that we have faith like a child.

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Episode 74: The Ultimate Goal of Learning (On Learning, Part 6)
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 74: The Ultimate Goal of Learning (On Learning, Part 6)

Host Noah Brink concludes our six part series on learning by returning to essential questions about the purpose of our Christian schools. Christian schools ought rethink what it means to be an educated person and what's most important for our students to learn. Do our "Portraits of a Graduate" reveal a truly Christian commitment, or are they essentially the same as what we'd find in secular school? What do we mean by success? These struggles aren't aren't limited to the Christian Education sphere alone, but they reveal our general approach to "the Christian life." However, our task is to cling to what the Bible calls us toward, believing the gospel and accepting the unique realities of a gospel-immersed worldview.

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Episode 73: The Courage to Plant a Christian School
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 73: The Courage to Plant a Christian School

A Conversation with Craig Harris

Noah and Craig talk about the courageous story of starting a school right on the heals of starting a church - in the midst of a pandemic, none the less. This conversation not only should provide inspiration and encouragement for those considering starting a school, but also helps to recast the notion of the critical relationship between the local church and school and engage and shape the local community through this partnership.

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Episode 72: Learning by Design (On Learning, Part 5)
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 72: Learning by Design (On Learning, Part 5)

Continuing our series on Learning, it's important to build structures (lessons, experiences, and assessments) with understanding as the goal. That starts by having a clear goal in mind - what we want our students to know/understand. These goals ought be consistent with our school mission, theological foundation, and philosophy of learning. From there, we must be willing to design our classrooms and curricula around a framework that is most likely to help students meet these goals.

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Episode 71: Learning and the Image of God (On Learning, Part 4)
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 71: Learning and the Image of God (On Learning, Part 4)

Host Noah Brink discusses how seeing students as Rational, Relational, Moral, Spiritual, and Creative beings (a simple starting point for what it means to be image bearers) should radically affect our approach to learning, affecting not only our philosophy and mission, but the day-to-day learning activities of the school.

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Episode 70: A Distinctive and Mission-Aligned Curricula
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 70: A Distinctive and Mission-Aligned Curricula

A Conversation with John Roberts, Head of School at Covenant Christian School, St. Louis.

Host Noah Brink and John Roberts discuss the uniquenesses of Covenant's philosophy, program, and the process Covenant undertook to build a curriculum that fits the identity of the school. It's hard work, but listening to John should inspire and encourage any Christian school to set upon this necessary journey.

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