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Episode 54: Raising Kids Toward Belonging
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 54: Raising Kids Toward Belonging

Kids need to belong.

From the earliest age, all the way through their teenage years, they need to know that they're a part of something. It grounds them; it rescues them from the anxiousness that results from trying to find meaning on their own terms. Quite possibly, "Belonging" could be what kids need more than anything else if they're going to grow to become healthy people.

Host Noah Brink offers three words (Boundaries, Bravery, and Belovedness) to help frame how we can aim our kids toward belonging, regardless of our roles with kids – whether it's as parents, teachers, or coaches.

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Episode 53: A Gospel Framework for Teaching History
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 53: A Gospel Framework for Teaching History

As with every academic discipline, teachers need a framework for teaching history that requires more than merely finding a verse or biblical analogy. Rather, teaching History from a Christian perspective requires an understanding of the key categories of a biblical worldview and applying them to the discipline. Host Noah Brink reintroduces the categories and questions of the RenewEd Worldview Grid to provide both a perspective toward teaching History Christianly and to nurture the sort of posture and longings we want to see in our students - because of their History studies.

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