2024-2025 School Staff Worldview Cohorts
Sometimes, we simply need to know we’re not alone, and RenewEd’s Cohorts are designed to connect teachers and staff so they can learn from each other with the common goal of aligning their thought and practice with the gospel of Jesus.
How real learning sticks: through an ongoing, relational process, rather than in isolated events where we take away only a fraction of what we heard. Check-in. Reflect. Experiment. Share. Grow.
Join a cohort today! Find out more about each opportunity by clicking the above groupings.
Starting in September
Once a month
Online Cohorts
As we pilot this first year of RenewEd worldview cohorts, we recognize the need to expand and offer additional cohorts in every discipline and at every grade level. It is our profound hope that this first run of worldview cohorts will allow us to train more teachers to be facilitators for future groups. While the makeup of each cohort will lend to quite different emphases, every cohort will still follow the same RenewEd framework and will commit to hold unapologetically to the gospel of Jesus as our greatest passion.