2024-2025 Spiritual Life Director Cohort

Director of Spiritual Life. School Chaplain. Worldview Director. We go by many names and likely have just as varied responsibilities. But what we all have in common is that we've been uniquely tasked with helping our school communities have greater vibrancy and love for the gospel of Jesus. 

Unfortunately, many Spiritual Life Directors feel like they're on islands ... not fully understanding their roles or having clear outlets for knowing how be transformative agents in the spiritual lives of our schools. In the same way that Jesus established a community – a Body made up of diverse members – to be instruments of furthering His kingdom, our hope is to establish a community of Spiritual Life Directors who can grow and learn from each other. So we, too, can be instruments of spiritual transformation in our schools. 

What you can Expect

Cohorts will meet once a month online, but the cohorts will be designed to provide on-going conversation throughout the month via email. Cohort members will also have access to recorded sessions and will receive regular RenewEd emails, targeted toward the tasks and opportunities of today's Spiritual Life Directors. 

Facilitation will be structured around objectives and goals, but will be informed by on-going expressed needs and thoughts. However, we'll always dedicate a significant portion of our time together to open questions and conversation, to share resources, and to generate ideas of how we can collectively further spiritual vibrancy within our school communities. As a part of their registration, all cohort members will receive a digital copy of Noah's book, Jesus Above School to provide some of the framework that will guide our monthly conversation. 

Cohorts will begin meeting in September and will continue monthly throughout the academic year.