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Episode 26: Passing Down our Loves
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 26: Passing Down our Loves

To those who work with or parent children/students: Aiming at who the child will become is of far greater importance than our efforts to put in place structures and programs, teach content and skills, or plan out trajectories and the pragmatic steps we deem necessary to get there. Keeping the main thing the main thing means that we have to think about spiritual formation or faith formation as primary and recognize that the life-long, lasting change that we're seeking means that we're going to have to aim at our their loves. And, the best way to shape their loves is for them to see our loves in us.

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Episode 25: Theology of Diversity #1
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 25: Theology of Diversity #1

Diversity for the sake of diversity or because of a richly theological commitment? Long before we start asking how we can become more diverse or compare ourselves against other schools based upon our diversity numbers, we must be rooted in a richly deep theology of the ultimacy of God and what the Bible says about humanity. #christianity #christianeducation #christianworldview #christianschool #diversity #dei

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