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Episode 13: Spiritual Formation, part 4
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 13: Spiritual Formation, part 4

If we're going to see more fruit in our efforts to pursue Spiritual Formation, we're going to have a clearer target: we need to have a clear perspective of the sort of adults we want to see our students become ... the sorts of students who care for the world and others around them, are parts of the cure, are willing to confront what's wrong, and running toward cultivation and stewardship of what's good. This is in small part what it looks like to be changed because of the gospel, and that's the only thing that can bring about lasting Spiritual Formation.

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Episode 11: Spiritual Formation, part 3
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 11: Spiritual Formation, part 3

Given that relationships are critical to transformation and lasting change, we'll focus on the importance of habits and rhythms in shaping our students' hearts and desires.

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Episode 10: Spiritual Formation, part 2
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 10: Spiritual Formation, part 2

Nurturing authentic relationships between teachers and students is central to spiritual formation initiatives. We'll back address how and why these relationships can further faith formation and the key aspects of faith formation initiatives.

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Episode 9: Spiritual Formation, part 1
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 9: Spiritual Formation, part 1

Christian Schools have embraced a much-needed trend toward putting an emphasis on spiritual formation. But, what are the fundamental characteristics of a proper emphasis on spiritual formation? How does the gospel inform the way of life that our spiritual formation emphases promotes?

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