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Episode 53: A Gospel Framework for Teaching History
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 53: A Gospel Framework for Teaching History

As with every academic discipline, teachers need a framework for teaching history that requires more than merely finding a verse or biblical analogy. Rather, teaching History from a Christian perspective requires an understanding of the key categories of a biblical worldview and applying them to the discipline. Host Noah Brink reintroduces the categories and questions of the RenewEd Worldview Grid to provide both a perspective toward teaching History Christianly and to nurture the sort of posture and longings we want to see in our students - because of their History studies.

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Episode 51: Teaching Christianly in a Secular Context
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 51: Teaching Christianly in a Secular Context

While Christian education and secular education are quite different (and should be even more different than many of the models we have), a Christian who teachers in a secular context can still teach "Christianly" within that context ... because teaching Christianly is far more than merely adding a verse or Christian lingo to an otherwise secular content. Host Noah Brink unpacks the ways that RenewEd's Worldview Grid can provide a framework for what it would look like to teach Christianly in a not Christian context. But, not only is this conversation intended for secular school teachers, it should also be helpful to any Christian teacher - to understand and apply the big categories that are critical to a truly Christian education.

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Episode 49: Why we Need the Fine Arts
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 49: Why we Need the Fine Arts

It shouldn't even be a question in Christian schools, but we live in a world where the Fine Arts are the first to fall victim to budget cuts and the last to receive the funding and institutional support they need to flourish. This reveals a common flaw in the way we think about school in general. Host Noah Brink uses the oft-overlooked and underfunded Fine Arts programs in our schools to both reemphasize the ultimate purpose for Christian education and revise a theological foundation for what it means to be human.

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