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Episode 43: The Olympics, Sports, and the Christian School
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 43: The Olympics, Sports, and the Christian School

The Olympics can teach us a great deal about ways to further engage our students into the lives of our schools. Students need to feel a sense of belonging, and sports natures this longing and connection in a unique way. The Olympics also has a profound ability to model what it looks like to bring people together. How can we use similar things in the lives of our schools?

Host Noah Brink discusses the great opportunity that the Olympics provides to nurture a sense of wonder, communal pride, and respect for individual gifting.

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Episode 42: A Christian Worldview Reflection on the Attempt on Donald Trump's Life.
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 42: A Christian Worldview Reflection on the Attempt on Donald Trump's Life.

Christian School teachers have to be prepared to know how to respond to the most talked-about issues of the day. Events like that of July 13 are the sort that prompt students to come to class with countless opinions, looking for both validation and answers. While there's no way to properly prepare for shocking events like these, it's critical that we have the biblical frameworks in place to provide a foundation for our response.

Host Noah Brink discusses the ways we should talk about events like the shock of an attempt on a former president's life. This episode seeks to provide an example of what it should look like to provide answers, to cling to what we know to be true, and to model for our students that we are willing to allow them to enter into hard spaces with their questions.

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