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Episode 45: Culture of Grace
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 45: Culture of Grace

Host Noah Brink provides a theological foundation for the necessity of grace - grace in our schools and in the life of the Christian. We'll also provide definitions, implications, and press us to understand the distinctives of the school that's more interested in grace than rules and rigidity.

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Episode 38: A Gospel Approach to Behavior
Noah Brink Noah Brink

Episode 38: A Gospel Approach to Behavior

The fourth category of the RenewEd Worldview Grid asks, "Are we cultivating a culture of Grace-prompted obedience?" This question guides us toward having an approach to behavior that's consistent with a gospel-centered worldview. Host Noah Brink unpacks the question and provides reasons why the Christian approach to behavior is so radically different than what's seen elsewhere in culture.

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