Monday Meditations
Monday Meditations offers a brief, devotional reflection for Christian teachers each week. We hope to provide regular encouragement and gospel-reminders for Christian educators by applying the truths of God’s word to our daily thought and practice. New posts are published on Mondays.
Training for Sight
Genesis 50:19-21
One of the final conversations between Joseph and his brothers viewed in light of the hymn “This is my Father’s World” reminds us the importance of having a way of seeing all things in light of God’s sovereignty and steadfast love. A way of seeing that doesn’t happen overnight, but is a reflection of a strong foundation and training.
Students and Children as Arrows
Psalm 127
Blessed is the man who has a quiver full of arrows … a wonderful reminder of why God has entrusted the children into our care. Not merely so we can glory in what He has given us, but so we can send them out.
Transformed Through Failure
1 John 1:8
It could very well be that at the heart of Christian teaching isn’t the giftedness with which a teacher draws analogies between the lesson and something core to Christian beliefs, but rather in how that teacher deals with failures before his or her students.
Image-bearing Authority
Mark 12:14-17
Jesus’s statement to “Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” isn’t merely a masterful evasion tactic. It also tells us something about ourselves and gives us a foundation for finding real value in this life and the next.
Free from Glory; Free for Glory
Deuteronomy 8:17
It’s natural to make our successes about ourselves, but we need to rethink the goal of our educational endeavors. Secular education wants students to know and experience things so they can use what they’ve learned. Christian education wants students to know about God through what they learn, so that they can be better used by God.
Refusing to be Distracted by Good Things
John 5:39-40
Jesus criticized the Jews of His day for being more interested in the Scriptures than in the One whom we meet in them. Similarly, where have we become more interested in the good things we’re teaching and doing than in the God who we can learn more about in them?
That we all may be Oaks of Righteousness
Isaiah 61:1-3
Being passionate about Jesus’s words in Luke 4:18-21 helps us to play a wonderful part in seeing our students become Oaks of Righteousness.
But to Offer One Thing
Mark 10:21
In the midst of talking about the good things that fill our days, may we be people that focus on the one thing that Jesus calls the Rich Young Ruler toward.
No Little People
Psalm 8: 1-9
Like the Psalmist, our classrooms should be places where we don’t merely recognize God’s handiwork. But, we take every opportunity to point our students’ attention to the great value that God has for them. Great wonder. Profound value for each one of us.
Schools at the Well
John 4:23
When our school cultures become committed to both Spirit and Truth.